Saturday, April 26, 2014

To Veg Or Not to Veg?

Do I have to keep and cherish vegetarian? I get asked this question an extremely by both students as well as fellow yoga teachers. My short answer - that's down to you.

One of the precepts of yoga is the technique of ahimsa, or non-violence. It is very translated into the yogic diet by not consuming the flesh of a new animal. Many schools of yoga necessity a vegetarian diet since both students and machines. Many teacher trainings require prospective teachers to participate in an agreement that they'll not eat meat.

For for me, I do not believe that it is appropriate to force an important agenda or dogma on the cover anyone.

In a regarding extremes, I prefer to go by the middle path.

Becoming a vegetarian generally is a personal choice, not one that might be "mandated. " Your body's your best guru, do not what your body tells. Ayurveda, which walks together with yoga, teaches which generally, for some individuals that it can be appropriate and healthy you eat meat.

I once spent a week with a handful of Tibetan monks. They executed yoga daily, they meditated continuing.... they also ate aminoacids. Does this mean that they were less evolved or resonant? Does this mean that they did not practice ahimsa? I be concerned not.

Being a "good" yogi has little just a few what you choose to eat and more details on how you live positivity attracts positivity. Yoga teaches us to honor figures. To listen to our inner teacher. As we improvement on our journey, it's natural to make a greater awareness and be a little more concerned about our shedding unwanted weight, our body and therapies choose to nourish our self with. A vegetarian diet is not the best choice for persons. I emphasize the basic synonym choice.... Because that is what it should be... everyone choice.


Texas, Certified Weight loss & Yoga Instructor from a Fitness Underground- Los Angeles

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