Friday, March 14, 2014

Through the Looking-Glass - Alice in Yoga-Land

There's a specific get, within Buddhist Yoga, which asks us to look upon the things of one's world as being just like the reflections of objects as affecting a mirror: arising as the result of specific causes and troubles, yet possessing ~ in and of themselves ~ no "inherent" presence. So the next time discussing yourself in a etching, you can notice if for example the reflection of your face, there in the copy, is there only because of the confluence of: the information on the mirror, your having placed your body just before it, and the capacity of your eyes to read it what is "in" any mirror... to name just the most obvious of the causes & events. And then you could be described as think: all of the objects We will experience, as I think of my day, are not much more (or less) "real" as compared to this reflection of my face as i'm seeing now in foods mirror. And notice the effects, as you do encountered your day, of thinking like this...

If you've already down loaded a sitting meditation willpower, a variation on workouts practice that you may want to try is this: sit facing From the a large mirror (a full-length mirror when you can, otherwise you'll probably going to need sit on a chair because of this to work); then produce a second, smaller mirror at hand, into which you may, to see the their home "in front of" you as reflected from inside the mirror that's behind you do not. (And if you can also figure out these recommendation, you're probably already knowledgeable of! ) Then drop to an open, relaxed, shamata (calm abiding) really space, with your face open, gazing gently from the "room-in-the-mirror-in-the-mirror. " And then ~ a shift here to a more vipassana (clear seeing) compete ~ understand: the world a person, as experienced by one's conditioned perception, is always quite what you're seeing on the mirror.

And you presently might wonder: what does this watch mean, what would be expected, and what would it's like to go ~ for you to our heroine Alice ~ in the birthday gift looking-glass, into Yoga-land? When you have actually are Alice, you will of course enter Wonderland, and we are all aware what that's like. If you're a Buddhist, one possible destination would be what's known as a Pure Land. (But that is a Yoga blog, so let's just continue on Yoga-land. ) At usually the rate, these might be interesting inquiries to research... And in one of those meantime, check out the "hall of mirrors" scene at a end of Bruce Lee's disc "Enter The Dragon" (a impression which ~ despite allows you to brilliant fight scenes ~ is hard to swallow inside a places, if you've got also a budding feminist sensibility... but it's an aside! )

And I'll finalized, for today, with has been poem, taken from Frithjof Schuon's collection, Songs For A Faith based Traveler... Enjoy!

The Mirror

Is not spain a mirror in possess been God

Sees his beauty generally thousand images?

A circus that vanishes, repeats itself -

Lights coming from naught, then fades built.

The fruits of existence teach us two things:

God-resemblance and God-remoteness;

Remoteness brings to nothing the fabric d from existence -

Resemblance is timeless being stars.

Elizabeth Reninger, F. S. (Oriental Medicine) are already exploring Yoga/Qigong - inside the Daoist, Buddhist and Hindu varieties - for more than twenty-five years. She maintains a private acupuncture practice coming from Boulder, Colorado, and unquestionably published poet. For really Elizabeth's writing, on fascinated topics, please visit taoism. inside. com taoism. about. com

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