Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Yoga of Menopause - Alternatives to Hormone Therapy

It's big news in case favored medical treatment -- HRT for menopausal women - is seen to be harmful. But it's no news to meeting your goal been blowing the whistle on both scientific and alternative treatments of menopause for almost two decades. As earlier this month quoted in Newsweek Create: "Menopause is not in which the 'pathology', but a link to power. Like teenage life, menopause is a natural - and healthy - change. Wise women many countries herald menopause as a whole lot health-promoting event. They see menopausal flashes as 'power surges' and menopause in intense spiritual journey. Quite treatments - including ERT, HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY, isoflavone, and progesterone creams - disrupt those and can do severe havoc on a woman's health. "


The energy work at home affiliate menopause are of special draw in me.

As a long-time student of yoga, I was struck from your many similarities between menopausal symptoms and likewise well-known esoteric goal of "awakening inside kundalini. " Though the skills presented in this section is likely strange or difficult to produce, they contain powerful signals about menopause, which lie the primary focus of the Wise Girl approach.

Kundalini [is] the actual important thing [of] all spiritual evaluations... Kundalini is a special kind of energy known in most frequently found cultures, including Tibetan, Mediterranean, Sumerian, Chinese, Irish, Aztec, and Greek. Kundalini is discussed hot, fast, powerful, and enormous. It exists within country, within all life, while in each person. Psychoanalyst Carl F. Jung called kundalini anima. Kundalini is usually represented as a result serpent coiled just under the spine, but women's mystery stories discover it is in the uterus - or perhaps the area where the womb was, if a hysterectomy owns occurred. During both puberty and menopause, a woman's kundalini can be challenging to control and may cause any number of symptoms.

East Indian yogis spend lifetimes in an effort to activate, or wake pace, their kundalini. This will also be called "achieving enlightenment". While they succeed, a surge of super-heated energy goes up the spine, throughout the nerves, dilating blood motorboats, and fueling itself utilizing hormones. As kundalini still is travel up the vertebrate, it changes the functioning from the endocrine, cardiovascular, and frightened systems. Not just all the way through yogis, but in any man who allows herself to acknowledge it. Menopause is a form of enlightenment. Hot flashes are kundalini lessons.


More and American women are using herbal remedies to assist them to with menopausal problems. Those who do accept ERT (estrogen replacement) or otherwise not HRT (hormone replacement) will often be surprised to discover that herbal medicine provides extensive to offer them as well as other.

Herbs for women on ERT/HRT include people who alleviate side-effects the those that counter problems on account of the hormones.

Herbal Helpers Counter Side-Effects

Water retention is most likely the symptom most often observed for dissatisfaction with hormones replacement. Herbal tinctures and tea, such as weed or cleavers, and ordinary foods will not be only relieve the despondency, they will go on the other hand root of the problem to help prevent recurrences.

Dandelion root tincture (Taraxacum officinale) strengthens the liver so it helps it process out the excess hormones you take. When the liver efficient, the kidneys work fitter, and tissues no for longer bloat. A dose is 10-20 drops in parcels of ounces of water or juice 2-3 3 x a day. If there is any digestion problems, period dandelion before meals; otherwise, anytime is fine. You can safely implement dandelion daily for time if you need or they want.

Cleavers herb tincture (Galium molluga) decides the lymphatic tissues to get moving. Relief from edema is actually rapid when 20-30 drops are soaked up several ounces of heavy steam or juice. Repeat on the least six times at hourly intervals if needed. Cleavers is especially great for easing swollen, sore bosom.

Foods that relieve bloating include (in order over effectiveness): asparagus, nettles, ingrown toenail (and corn silk tea), fresh fruit, cucumbers, watermelon (and watermelon seed tea), parsley, fiber-rich baby food, black tea, and teas.

Headaches are the second commonest side-effect of hormone follow. Unfortunately, they are common among menopausal women not taking hormones, too. Herbs which relieve headache without a whole lot drug-like action - equal to dandelion, yellow dock, whole milk thistle, burdock, garden sage, skullcap, and St. John's/Joan's wort - are mostly considered safe to pop with hormones.

Chinese herbalists say headaches develop from liver stress. My well-known liver-strengthening herbs are marijuana, yellow dock, milk thistle get, and burdock. I use per piece, a 15-25 drops of the tincture several times a day, for two weeks. Assuming that symptoms continue, I switch even to another herb.

A strong tea over garden sage leaves (Salvia officinalis) offers immediate get rid of headaches and helps lessen the pace of future ones. It also reduces night sweats. Tinctures of skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and St. Joan's/John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) ease pain and reduce muscle spasms. Use 5-20 drops of skullcap together with a dropperful of St. J's at the beginning sign - no, the very first thought - of a hassle. Repeat the doses particularly five minutes until pain and ache free. Skullcap can be really sedative, especially in sizable doses.

Herbal Allies to Prevent Problems Faraway from Taking Hormones

Breast cancer chance is increased 20% in women who use ERT for five years. Use of HRT for five years increases breast cancer risk by 40%. Each five eclipses the others continued use increases the possibility. In addition, women who take ERT are far travelling to get uterine or endometrial cancer. All women on hormones increase their risks of lung and ovarian cancer, too. Nourishing herbs with red clover, and foods with beans and yogurt, offer simple measures to stay cancer-free.

Red clover blooms (Trifolium pratense), when dried and brewed in strong infusion (one ounce herb steeped an each and every quart of boiling water for a minimum of four hours) prevent cancer by giving phytoestrogens that counter the cancer-promoting effects of oral hormones. Usual dose is 2-4 cups a few hours. The infusion tastes like black tea as a result flavored with mint that you're.

Since uncooked beans as well as in unfermented soy contain anti-nutritional factors could promote bone loss and dementia, soy "milk" and tofu are not recommended. Miso and tamari genuinely to prevent breast cancer but soy isoflavones may sell it.

Yogurt helps build focused immunity. Women who consume a quart of yogurt per week have 700% less cancer than women who eat no yogurt.

Dry eyes afflict for upwards of 9% of women using ERT and over 7% of those on HRT. Risk increases by 70% for any of year of continued leaving. And the longer a lady uses hormones, the improved her risk. Herbs with oatstraw, chamomile, and chickweed has the ability to relieve and prevent plantar fasciitis.

Oatstraw infusion (Avena sativa) cools to see moistens your eyes from within, builds strong bones simply too. Use one ounce of dried herb durring an quart jar; fill right into top with boiling wall membrane and cap tightly. Let steep four or maybe more hours. Dose is 2-4 cups a few hours. Refrigerate after straining.

Cucumber haircuts ease dry eyes; systems work efficiently chamomile tea bags.

The ultimate ally for ladies with dry eyes is to buy fresh chickweed (Stellaria media), applied becoming poultice to the agreed upon eyes. Leave on for all of five minutes, or prior to an plant material feels warm (it will heat up). Repeat necessary.

Stroke and heart attack perhaps may be increased by use all of them ERT/HRT, though modern medicine has long proclaimed additional. Every major double-blind study carried out date has created a bigger gap between ERT/HRT's supposed ability to help cardiovascular health and its actual results. Protect your heart that has nourishing and tonifying herbs and foods just like motherwort, hawthorn, and all types of berries.

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) tincture helps midst. The Japanese claim it is prudent their secret of a long life. A dose is 5-15 lapses, twice a day. Motherwort also relieves menopausal flashes, calms tachycardiia, and assists in easing anxiety. It's an all-in-one fix for menopausal women.

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycantha) wedding bouquets, leaves, and fruits they are all used to maintain heart nutritional control fluid build-up over in heart tissues. A dose is 20- 30 drops of tincture 2-4 times a few hours, or a cup of their tea with meals. This widespread shrub is one in all the finest heart tonics in this world.

Cherries are even more advanced than apples at keeping the doctor away. Dried cherries to see cherry juice, even tincture of the cherries.

More than three-quarters your women in America more aged than fifty have refused ERT/HRT. When you have to join them, taper of this dosage slowly, while continuing to match nourishing and tonifying herbs just like dandelion, motherwort, red clover, oatstraw, and seaweed.


Women make estrogens.

Take into account make estrogens and estrogen-like supplies.

Chemicals, especially organochlorines, just like estrogens (xenoestrogens).

Pharmaceutical companies make estrogens from substances with horse urine, wild yam allows, and petrochemicals. Tamoxifen, made aware of treat and prevent breast cancer, is a type of their pharmaceutical estrogen.

Women make at least thirty types of estrogen, including estradiol, estrone, and estrace. Estradiol is the most powerful; it is turned on at puberty and intimated at menopause. Estradiol is positively related to breast cancer; other human estrogens are not. Anything that reduces how much estradiol a woman brings in (such as pregnancy, lactation, above menopause, and late puberty) also decreases her risk of a breast cancer medical diagnosis.

Phytoestrogens counter the detrimental results of estradiol by competing for the same receptor sites.

Estradiol is a very common strong estrogen and is metabolized within the long path. The other estrogens our system make are weak estrogens and are metabolized by the short path. Alcohol turns away from the short path. Phytoestrogens are usually employed weak hormones and endocrine precursors. Phytoestrogens in meals is metabolized by the little path. Phytoestrogens appear for tissues from the cancer-causing effects of estradiol, xenoestrogens and prescription drug hormones. Phytoestrogens in your foods prevent cancer and enhance health; phytoestrogen supplements and processed soy fake-foods how can the opposite. Breast cancer occurs four crease often in women whose urinary production of phytoestrogen by-products is low greater than women whose urinary yield is high.

Phytoestrogens are generally in food. They created concentrated in seeds (grains, vegetable, nuts, berries) and allows. The exceptions to through a rule that plants don't contain human hormones: French beans, rice, ipad booklet seeds, licorice, and pomegranate seeds are reinforced by the "weak" estrogen estrone.

To encourage the greatest benefit from phytoestrogenic the food you eat and herbs remember:

Isolated phytoestrogens are not as safe as the individuals "in matrix. "

To use plant hormones, you aspiration active, healthy gut flora.

Herbs and foods rich in phytoestrogens really should be used in different pathways.

Phytoestrogens may have different effect on women who do not have their ovaries.

1. Plants contain alternate phytoestrogens; additionally, they contain minerals and other constituents which help one's body modify the phytoestrogens and for that reason we can use them safely. Red clover is mineral-rich there are all four of the major types of phytoestrogens: lignans, coumestans, isoflavones, and resorcylic acid lactones. It does not take world's best-known anti-cancer herb. In general, foods and herbs inundated with phytoestrogens, with the entirely possible exception of licorice, sign anti-cancer abilities. Isoflavone, however, when isolated (usually from soy) is the opposite effect: in the lab it encourages the 'development' of breast cancer format.

2. Plant hormones, in most phytoestrogens, can't improve profitability humans. But we can transfer them into ones it's possible to use - having our gut bacteria. Precisely where women take antibiotics, their refraining from phytoestrogens plummets. Get your gut flora going by eating more yogurt, miso, unpasteurized sauerkraut, homemade beers and wines, picked-by-your-own-hands-and-unwashed and also salads, sourdough bread, and whey-fermented vegetables. (See Substantial Traditions by Sally Fallon for easy whey-fermented vegetable recipes. )

3. Plants which can be exceptionally rich in phytoestrogens are believed to be powerful herbal medicines. Plants which can be good sources of phytoestrogens are believed to be foods. While food is definitely our medicine - a common practice I advocate - it's also true that medicines be more dangerous than foods. Foods inundated with phytoestrogens are different than medicinal herbs packed with phytoestrogens. They have spots in my life.

WE eat phytoestrogenic foods once a day in quantity.

I deal with phytoestrogenic food-like herbs regular (not daily), in little quantity.

I take phytoestrogenic herbal medicines rarely, in small ranges, for a limited space.

Phytoestrogenic foods are the basis for diet plan and a long generation. The first food listed could be highest in phytoestrogens. The best diet contains not only one but many choices each list:

Whole grains (rye, oats, barley, millet, brown rice, wheat, corn)

Edible seeds and nuts (buckwheat, sesame, sunflower, peas, amaranth, quinoa)

Beans (yellow dept peas, black turtle coffee bean, baby limas, Anasazi vegetable, red kidney beans, light brown lentils, soy beans)

Environmentally friendly greens and seaweed (parsley, nettle, algae, cabbage, broccoli, kale, collards, lamb's quarter)

Elements (olives, cherries, grapes, apples, pears, peaches, plums, bananas, blackberries, raspberries, salmon super berry, apricots, crab apples, quinces, rosehips, blueberries)

Organic extra-virgin olive oil and seed oils. Garlic cloves, onions and their family members leeks, chives, scallions, security, shallot

Phytoestrogenic food-like herbs are mostly considered longevity tonics. For max effect, use only one from the following and to stick with it not less than three months.

Citrus peel from the lemon, dandelion leaves and/or ancestry, fenugreek seeds, flax harvest, green tea, hops, light brown clover, red wine.

Phytoestrogenic herbs could be too powerful for long- your message use. From the list below (which is in alphabetical order), it is safest to use only one herb several times a day, and use it if only needed, although that translates as daily use for several months. More information about the very herbs, including specific dosages and cautions, is upon NEW Menopausal Years the new sony Wise Woman Way.

Agave root, black cohosh root, bluish currant, black haw, chasteberries, cramp will often bark, dong quai root, devil's golf club root, false unicorn core, ginseng root, groundsel tropical, licorice, liferoot herb, motherwort tropical, peony root, raspberry applies, rose family plants (most parts), sage plant life, sarsaparilla root, saw palmetto berried, wild yam root, yarrow blooms.

4. Most of the warnings about phytoestrogenic herbs center on their proven ability and in addition thicken the uterine wall in animals who may have had their ovaries removed. May encourage cancer, just as taking ERT encourages cancer your uterus by stimulating quanity growth. Women without ovaries could be safe eating phytoestrogenic premises where, but may want to attempt phytoestrogenic herbs - especially ginseng, dong quai, licorice, light brown clover, and wild yam - in small amounts and only for " light " periods.


Recent studies indicate black cohosh doesn''t suppress luteinizing hormone, is lacking in estrogenic effect, and contains no compounds needed for estrogen. Red clover flowered heads contain many hormone-like flavonoids, in isoflavone, daidzein, genistein, formononetin, biochanin, sitosterol, and coumestrol, a particularly strong phytoestrogen (six crease active than the one in soy). Red clover contains all major estrogenic isoflavones; soy just has two of them. A cup full of red clover infusion (not tea) contains ten collapse phytoestrogens than a mug of soy beverage, is heavier in calcium, has pricey calories, and contains not really an added sugars.

Researchers for all of aussie report a million lambs annually are aborted after lambs eat clover on pasture. Yet red clover well known as a fertility increasing. What's up? Stephen Buhner, author from the Secret Language of Succulents, says clover plants create blood-thinning compounds (which influence abortion) when overgrazed, but don't otherwise. Plants, it seems, can fight back.

When unfermented soy takes exactly where of animal protein (meat tweaking milk), its anti-nutritional factors will create brittle bones, thyroid mistakes, memory loss, vision disadvantages, irregular heartbeat, depression, as well as vulnerability to infections. Unfermented soy is high in hemoglutin, which causes clumping of numerous red blood cells as well as increase risk of stroke. It is also impressively high in aluminum (up to 100 flip than is found in just as much real milk). Eating tofu several times a week doubled the risk of Alzheimer's in a small number of of Japanese men researched for thirty years.

Naked gut bacteria can cleave a specialized sugar molecule from impracticable yam's steroidal saponin, to create diosgenin. Labs make progesterone of it diosgenin, but our system can't. Diosgenin itself requires a weak estrogenic effect. They come in Australian herbalist Ruth Trickey: "A more likely explanation [for the observed effects of wild yam]... is that [diosgenin] people hypothalamic and pituitary hormonal system and... initiates ovulation. the reason is

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional hospital treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure plus prevent any disease, skin disease or symptom. Personal directions and use really should be provided by a clinical herbalist as well as other qualified healthcare practitioner to your formula for you. All material contained herein draws for general information purposes only and can't be considered medical tips or consultation. Contact a reputable doctor if you have to have medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking another opinion.

Susun Weed, Copyright @ 2009

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